1982–Incorporated in Washington, D.C.
IAB was incorporated as a Non-Profit Corporation in Washington, D.C. on August 9, 1982, under the name Family Security Coalition. The purpose of the corporation was to promote the interests and financial security for the family unit. That purpose continues to be a primary goal of the company today. The original address was 1747 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D. C., near the nation's capital. This remains IAB's official address in Washington, D.C. to this day.
1987–International Association of Businesses becomes the official name.
To reflect the growing service provided to both families and businesses, at the direction of James Wood, the incorporated name was changed to International Association of Businesses (IAB) on July 30, 1987. Mr. Wood, who currently serves as Chairman of IAB, decided to set up the administrative offices in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, in the state of Texas. IAB developed services for small businesses and the self-employed community and the millions of families that are supported by these entities.
1988–IAB offers new and enhanced savings and benefits to members
IAB entered into agreements with businesses and providers to offer savings and benefits to its members. Both individual and family members of IAB could enjoy significant savings on a number of benefits such as medical and health care services, financial advice, office supplies, travel, amusement parks, investments and many others. Members were also eligible to apply for a hospital and surgical policy insured by Bankers Multiple Line Insurance Company (BML), a sister company of Bankers Life and Casualty of Chicago, Illinois. Literally thousands of members took advantage of this coverage, specifically designed for IAB members. This program continued through the mid 90's.
IAB appointed a national insurance agency, International Marketing Agency (IMA) to promote its insurance and other benefits to members. To this day IMA continues to manage and promote the interests of IAB members.
In 1988 IAB publishes first member Newsletter called IABusiness Review.
Publication of quarterly IAB Newsletter continues today as IAB Advantage.
Mr. George Webster with President Ronald Reagan
“We're very proud to represent the interests of IAB members here in the nation's capitol”George Webster, IAB Counsel in Washington, D.C.
1989–IAB recognized by the first Bush Administration
In recognition of the services and contribution to the economic progress of thousands of families in the U.S., IAB was congratulated on its seventh Anniversary. The Secretary of Commerce, the Honorable Robert A. Mosbacher, in President Bush's administration, wrote a congratulatory letter to IAB. Secretary of Commerce letter.
1988 IAB Member Handbook endorsing IAB relationship with insurance giant ICH
1991–IAB offers Dental Plan for its members
IAB members were offered an insured, supplemental group Dental Plan in 1991 insured by national insurance companies. Along with all the other benefits, the Dental Plan became one of the popular privileges of being a member of IAB. The Dental Plan is still a major benefit enjoyed by IAB members today.
1993–IAB partners with Zig Ziglar
Through a series of seminars, radio talk shows and printed materials, IAB in conjunction with the Zig Ziglar corporation presented information to assist employers and their employees to reach higher levels of both business and personal achievement. Teamed with Mr. Ziglar on radio shows and on stage, the president of IAB, Jeff Malone, still recalls those occasions as a highlight of his career with IAB.
Coach Jackie Moore of World Champion Cincinnati Reds, teams up with IAB for seminars for IAB Members
1994–IAB sponsors Horatio Alger Foundation Scholarship
In recognition of the educational needs, combined with a desire to achieve the improbable, of many children from disadvantaged backgrounds, IAB selected the Horatio Alger Foundation to provide scholarship money to college age youths. The Foundation regularly recognizes people who have successfully overcome disadvantaged backgrounds to reach outstanding achievement in Business, Arts, Science and Government.
1995–2000 IAB Continues to provide benefits and services to its members
Starting in 1992, IAB enhanced many of its member benefits. One of these was the Hospital and Surgical Insurance Plan issued exclusively to IAB members. In addition to the BML plan, IAB added plans provided by Pioneer Life Insurance Company of Illinois, and States General Life Insurance Company.
2001–IAB introduces a New Dimension in benefits
In September of 2001, IAB with assistance from Duncan MacDonald launched a marketing effort called New Dimension. Benefits were especially designed for the millions of American families and individuals who are either unable to afford the cost of health insurance or do not qualify because of pre-existing conditions.
In addition to savings from participating providers, the membership included insured benefits under group policies issued to IAB. Under this program, along with insured benefits, members can obtain significant savings at hospitals, doctor's offices, and urgent care clinics, emergency rooms, vision centers, pharmacies, dentists, chiropractors, and alternative health providers, depending on the membership level,
Also, IAB also offered a great opportunity for its members and others to become Independent Marketing Associates (IMAs) to represent IAB and make its benefits available to millions of families and individuals in the U.S.
2002–20th Anniversary recognition by U.S. Vice President and Speaker of the House.
In 2002 IAB celebrated its 20th year of providing outstanding services and benefits to its members. IAB's 20 years of service to its members was recognized by both Vice President Dick Cheney and the Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert.
2004–IAB sets pace for Benefits Innovation
Today IAB continues to offer what is regarded in the industry as the most progressive and needed benefits package in the U.S. By setting the pace for its competitors in putting the interests of the American consumer and small business owners first through the development of four unique membership levels IAB continues to bring the future to its members today.
IAB continues to build value for members by announcing at the Annual Member Meeting, the introduction of a unique concept - the Money Back Reward Program. Also, announced is the Associate Retirement Program designed as an IRA for individual Associates.
The Annual IAB Member Meeting is announced for October 8-9, 2004, at the new resort, Gaylord Texan in Grapevine, TX. A fabulous resort modeled after the Grand Ole Opry Hotel in Nashville.